

Relaxing day in Lahaina…


Hello hello! My name is Kera, and welcome to my little slice of the internet! I started this blog at the request of a few of my friends who wanted to keep up with my (at the time!) shoe addiction. And then I started posting products and items of clothing that I’d bought because again, friends would ask me for more info, and it was easier to just direct everyone to one place. The blog continued to grow, people started asking me to review their products on occasion, and well…here we are! Helping people navigate the world of “new products” is something that I’ve always enjoyed, and I’m thankful to be able to do it here! My interests are incredibly varied, so expect to see lots of different types of posts here, such as fashion and beauty, travel, tech products, and who doesn’t love a good wishlist? Grab a cup of coffee or your favorite drink, get some snacks, sit back, relax, and enjoy the reviews, rants, ramblings, and musings!

Renaissance Soul. Occasionally creative. Perpetually amused. Dreamer, hugger, and the world’s worst half-Canadian. 🙂


2 thoughts on “About

  1. Diana says:

    Hello, Nicole.
    I loved your site, the topics variety, it’s design and I also just LOVE coffee .
    I think that maybe we can help each other since it might be of interest to you and your readers.
    Perfect Treatment is no’1 brand in professional cosmetics in Israel. I’m excited to tell you that we recently started selling the great products outside of Israel through a store (myprosc.com ). You are welcome to it check out.
    I’m looking for help getting the word out about it, and would appreciate if you could write about your experience with the products as it is something that I’m sure your fans will love to know! Since I know that a lot of people are suffering from acne scars and they are difficult to treat – I’m offering to send you (for free) “Tzalakon” mask which makes acne scars fade (or any other product you choose).

    I look forward to hearing from you,


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